Best Horse Racing Tipsters A Simple Guide For Success

October 15, 2019
Best Horse Racing Tipsters

Horse Racing is a sport of kings and also a sport which comes with millions of tipsters to sift through in order to find the most profitable horse racing tipster, so how do we do it?

Well, there is a set of criteria that any horse racing tipster must meet in order to even be considered for a pass here at Tipster Guide.

Those criteria are as follows

  • Long term profitability (must show a profit after at least 3 months and more so after 12 months)
  • Must be easily reachable via email or other forms of communication.
  • Must deliver selections in a timely and consistent manner
  • Must state where odds are on selections so that the punter gets the same value as advised.
  • Must give updates on progress to its members

Tipsters for horse racing that can meet that standard are more than likely going to pass a review mainly as they are consistent and profitable and offer good customer service to members.

Tipsters For Horse Racing What To Watch Out For

When looking for a horse tipster its important that you pay attention to the following warning signs which would immediately be a fail or an approach with caution.

  • The Tipster does not keep profit and loss records
  • Not easily reachable or does not reply to emails
  • The Tipster is asking for money to be paid via bank transfer or other unsecured methods.
  • Asks for money outside of membership fees for personal reasons etc (surprisingly this happens a lot)
  • Does not return a profit after a minimum 3 month period up to 1 year
  • Has no consistency at giving out selections, for example, one-day emails out selections at 8 am but the next day is 5 minutes before the race.

Always look out for these warning signs and you will save yourself a lot of time and money when it comes to tipster services.

Who Are The Best Horse Racing Tipsters I Have Found So Far (Updated regularly)

So the final thing to say is whoa re the best horse racing tipsters that I have found so far using the criteria set above, so far I only have one tipster for Horse Racing but as and when I find more I will add them below for you.

  1. Cleeve Racing
cleeve racing review

Cleeve Racing is the first of what I hope to be many successful horse racing tipsters that I have discovered.

During 3 months membership from 108 selections there where 38 winners and a profit of £395 (to £20 advised stakes 19.75 points profit).

You can read the full Cleeve Racing Review here

Or you can view the full profit loss record for Cleeve Racing here

Cleeve set the standard for me when it comes to horse tipsters and the fact they can continually deliver profit every season for 5 years tells you all you need to know.

Claim your first month with Cleeve Racing with 75% off the normal price here

There will be more horse racing tipsters to come so stay tuned.

Author Guider